Friday 30 January 2009

"The Transmigration of Timothy Archer," Philip K. Dick

This is the conclusion to the trilogy. Well, that's what the publishers would have you believe anyway. If I have to read one more page of erudition on theology, I'm going melt and continue melting until I devolve into billions of semi-sentient amoebas.

I'll tell you what this book really was and why it was really significant: it was the last book ever written by Philip K. Dick, one of the greatest authors of our generation. His writings inspired cyberpunk, a novels of his were the basis for "Blade Runner," "The Minority Report," "A Scanner Darkly," and that's just the ones off the top of my head. He was a brilliant writer, to be sure, so it wouldn't be prudent his writing based on the books explaining his escalating fear of death. Read it if you want, but, like I said, he's done better.

- Johnny "Echoes. With the sound. Of salesmen. Of salesmen. Oooooof SALESMEN!"


  1. No meds makes you not sleep enough xD And read too fast. xD
    Don't turn into icky amoebas! D<
    Yay for the trilogy in a row, though :P

  2. I got home safely despite the fact I hallucinated the whole way and got dizzy and physically ill every time I saw a light. I feel dizzy and physically ill just by having turned on the computer and the lamp. Goodnight now.
